EQOL2024 Venue

University of Novi Sad
The University of Novi Sad offers around 400 accredited study programs at the level of Bachelor, Master, Specialist and Doctoral studies, carried out at its Faculties and within its Centers for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies. As one of largest educational and research centers in Central Europe University of Novi Sad have more than 50,000 students and 5,000 employees and with 14 faculties and scientific centers. It belongs to the group of comprehensive universities, which are characterized by providing nearly all fields of science and higher education.
The study programs are modern and up-to-date with the latest developments in science and research. Along with the Faculties and Centers, three Scientific Institutes have a significant role in creating a solid scientific base for the process of continuous modernization of the educational offer.
The University of Novi Sad builds its future hand in hand with other institutions that belong to the common European Higher Education and Research Area, but also collaborates actively with institutions room around the world. The cooperation is based on numerous bilateral and multilateral agreements.
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
The Faculty of Sport and Physical Education (FSPE) of the University of Novi Sad was opened on December 9, 1974, as one of 14 Faculties of the University of Novi Sad. Since its inception to date, FSPE has developed accredited bachelor studies, master and PhD studies.
Currently, at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, there are 1,500 students studying in various studies. The Faculty is distinguished by the strong empowerment for development, permanent improvement and improvement of the following areas:
- Teaching / educational activity,
- Scientific / research activity,
- Publications and strong orientation towards establishing international cooperation and promotion of the values of sport and health.
FSPE is currently located at the 4th place at the University of Novi Sad according to the number of published scientific papers indexed in Web of Science (WOS) and Science Citation Index (SCI) lists and between 200 and 300 places on the Shanghai list.

How to Reach us
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
Lovćenska 16, Novi Sad
GPS coordinates
University of Novi Sad
Dr Zorana Đinđića 1, Novi Sad
GPS coordinates